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Say it with Flowers

Our Roses and Lilies bouquet is the perfect way to show your love and appreciation to someone special. The combination of these two elegant flowers is sure to impress and make a lasting impression. The bouquet features a stunning mix of fresh roses, spray roses, and delicate lilies.


Exact flowers are subject to change depending on market availability.


***Disclaimer: We will do our best to honor time requests for orders that are to be delivered on 2/13 or 2/14, however we can not guarantee any specific time requests***



We offer same day delivery for orders placed before 10:30 AM EST. Orders placed after 10:30  AM EST may still be delivered the same day depending on delivery volume. Otherwise, orders will be delivered the following day.

Roses and Lilies


    Please note that stem substitutions of equal or greater value may be made, but we will do our best to maintain the style and color-scheme of your bouquet.

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